designmag Vol 2 - page 71

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They chose Terracotta from Austral Bricks’
Symmetry range.The colour choice is an
obvious homage to the area’s heritage,
however the finish of these bricks is very
contemporary and sharp with even
colouration.The design intent was for the
brickwork to increase the thermal mass
and give the whole complex a more
human quality, essential for a residential
The brickwork rises from the second to
eighth levels. Every sixth course is recessed
about 20 millimetres, creating a pleasing
shadow line and breaking down the
walling’s apparent mass.This simple
technique is easily achievable thanks to
the inherent modularity of brickwork.
Planning and design has begun on the
stage three of this massive project which is
expected to take a total of 10 to 15 years,
with further stages being rolled out as
dictated by market demand.
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